At Grass Monkey Farms, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality products to our customers. We understand that ensuring the purity, safety, and consistency of our offerings is of utmost importance to you and your business. Therefore, we are pleased to inform you about our commitment to quality assurance through our Certificate of Analysis (COA) program.
The Certificate of Analysis is an essential document that guarantees the quality and safety of our products. It provides you with detailed information about the specific batch of our products you receive, including lab test results and compliance with regulatory standards.
Here's how our products conform to our Certificate of Analysis:

  1. Rigorous Testing: Throughout our production process, our products undergo extensive testing at various stages. From seed selection to harvesting and processing, we implement strict quality control measures to ensure the highest standards are met. Our COA verifies that every batch has been tested for potency, purity, and the absence of harmful contaminants.

  2. Third-Party Labs: To maintain an objective assessment, we collaborate with reputable third-party laboratories for independent testing. These labs employ advanced analytical techniques and adhere to industry best practices, providing accurate and reliable results. The COA includes the laboratory's information, assuring you of the credibility of the testing process.

  3. Detailed Analysis: Our Certificate of Analysis provides a comprehensive breakdown of the tested parameters and their respective values. It includes information about cannabinoid levels, terpene profiles, heavy metal analysis, pesticide screening, microbial contaminants, and residual solvents. This comprehensive analysis allows you to make informed decisions about the products you purchase from us.

  4. Regulatory Compliance: Our products strictly adhere to the regulations set forth by governing agencies. The COA confirms that our offerings are compliant with all applicable industry standards, including THC content limits, labeling requirements, and any other relevant guidelines.

    We understand that you rely on our products to meet your customers' expectations and uphold your reputation. By conforming to our Certificate of Analysis, we ensure that you receive consistent, safe, and exceptional products from Grass Monkey Farms.
    If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our COAs or our quality assurance practices, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. We are here to address any inquiries and provide the assistance you require.